HY-Swap is a free exchange of infant, children’s and maternity clothing, gear and toys, presented by a group of local parents in the spring and fall. The items donated are from the local community, for the local community.
We are dedicated to sharing and circulating items in good condition within the community, providing savings for local families and reducing waste.
HY-Swap is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Our mission is to promote the common good and general welfare of the people of Hyattsville, Maryland and surrounding communities, including by organizing and operating a free community exchange of infant, children's, and maternity clothing, toys, and gear and by working with other community groups to expand access to free community resources in support of children and families.
The officers of HY-Swap include:
Heather McAndrews, President
Sara Bendoraitis, Treasurer
Megan Libby-Mueller, Secretary
The officers can reached at hyswap@gmail.com
Want to join the fun?
sign up here! Benefits of volunteering include a lot of fun and parent camaraderie, plus an opportunity to pick a few items during sorting....... HY-Swap is an all-volunteer operation, so if you are interested in helping to sort, set-up, host, or breakdown,
***HY-Swap FAQs***
*When Can I drop off items?*
We will be accepting pre-sorted items ONLY Friday, October 18, from 5-7pm and Saturday, October 19, from 9-11:30am.
We do ask that you pre-sort your items (see FAQ below) and note that we will not be accepting any large items (high chairs, cribs, mattresses, etc).
*Can I drive up and drop off donations?*
Yes, however, we will only be accepting pre-sorted items Friday, October 18, from 5-7pm and Saturday, October 19, from 9-11:30am.
*Can I drop off unsorted stuff?*
Not for this Swap. We ask that you pre-sort your items into four categories: Gear, Clothes, Shoes, Toys and Books. Please sort the clothes by size.
Check out the illustrated guide for sorting!
Please put your donations in a plastic bags or boxes. We love paper bags for environment but they just end up ripping too easily.
Main Event
*What time is the Fall 2024 HY-Swap?*
*Where do I go?*
Hyattsville Municipal Building
(4310 Gallatin St Hyattsville MD 20781)
The HY-Swap is open everyone!
*What HAPPENS at the SWAP?*
Browse the pop-up boutique and take any items that will be useful to you and your family.
*What is at the swap?*
We have clothing, toys and gear for all age ranges. Toys and books for infant through young readers, lots of gear and supplies for infants and young children, maternity and post-partum, and tons of clothes for kids of all ages and maternity. The quantity of items in each category depends on the donations we receive for that event.
General Information
*Think your kids are too old for swap goods?*
We have clothing for infants, toddlers, kids, and juniors sizes. Need shoes? We typically have more pairs than we can count in all sizes. We also have school uniform separates (e.g. white button-down shirts, khaki pants). Looking for books? We get LOTS of books each HY-Swap......
*Do I need to get there when the doors open to get anything good?*
We can only put out the donations we have been given so your best chance at getting items is to be there early but we will have two shopping times and will split the donations received into two sets so we can give the most out to the greatest number of people.
*Is it FREE?*
Yes, the swap is always free. We suggest a $15 donation per family. Donations are optional and help pay for supplies.
*What should I bring?*
You, a friend, and a bag, or just you, make friends, and we have plenty of bags for you to fill.
*Do I have to GIVE in order to TAKE?*
Nope! The spirit of the HY-SWAP is to support the community and pay it forward - take what you need now, and if you have items to give at future swaps, great! Donations are from the local community, for the local community.
Is there a limit on how much I can take?
Because we never know the volume of donations we'll receive, we are asking everyone to take up to two bags of items. You are more than welcome to come back at the end of the Swap and take as much as you'd like at that time but we want to ensure that as many folks as possible have access to the donations.
*What HAPPENS with the SURPLUS stuff?*
HY-Swap donates to local charities that provide services to area families in need. Some off-season items are held for the next swap.

Check out the outdoor HY-Swap hosted in May 2022.